New Horizons of Transitional Justice
New Horizons of Transitional Justice
April 25 and 26, 2022, University of Graz, Online Workshop
The concepts of transitional justice based on the transitions of the 20th century are mainly characterized by interactional concepts of justice and reconciliation and by an understanding of transitional justice as a kind of post-conflict justice. They are shaped by the particular injustices and ideals associated with past transitions, such as the post-apartheid transition in South Africa and the democratic transition in Argentina.
Many ongoing and future transitions have to do with other kinds of injustices, circumstances and ideals. Some of these transitions aim to overcome structural injustices with or without historical roots. The #MeToo, #YoSiTeCreo and BLM movements are examples of this type of transition. Others aim to make structural changes to prevent future harm or introduce a new technology. The transition to a carbon-neutral society and AI development exemplify this second type of transition.
This workshop will address the following questions: What moral and political concerns, challenges and dilemmas are addressed by theories and experiences of transitional justice that are now being reflected in new transitions such as climate change? What can we learn from theories and experiences of transitional justice for dealing with new transitions, such as the transition to a carbon-neutral society?
This workshop is part of a series of lectures taking place in the framework of the FWF project "A Political Conception of Transitional Justice". The workshop will comprise a series of lectures with accompanying commentaries.
The workshop is supported by the FWF project "A Political Conception of Transitional Justice".